Sunday, September 15, 2013

A little Perspective can go a Long Way

I had a great talk the other day with my brother.  He's such a great big brother - we're very close and at least talk weekly.  Sometimes we talk daily depending on what's going on in our lives.  It's funny because in my other blog I ended it with thinking about eating Paleo & then never blogged again.  Well, I told my bro about it & he basically blazed the path to eat that way & then I just followed.  Anyway, he's the healthiest I've ever seen him.  Two weekends ago he went to Big Bend with his bestie & they hiked at least 20 miles.  However, he has decided for the first time in about 1.5 years to have a full on cheat weekend including beer & good old country cooking.  He said it tasted great, but it put him back 7 lbs.  SEVEN pounds?  He was all bloated and felt a bit sluggish.  My point?!?!?  It only took 3-4 days for him to start undoing all of his accomplishments & lifestyle.  If it only took him 3-4 days, what can just ONE meal do to someone like me?!?!?!  Talk about perspective...

My acid reflux has been pretty bad too.  I haven't been adhering to my protocol.  I can't figure out what's going on with me.  Hmmmm....Anyway, just going on.  OH!  No more novelty classes either.  I tried a trapeze class & it jacked my back up again :(.   So I am almost back at square one with that.  I am only going to concentrate on food from here on out until I drop below 150.  I seem to have horrible back problems at that point.

Hope everyone is well.  Smooches!  AJ

Thursday, September 5, 2013

How Asian Got Her Groove Back!

So we all had a long weekend - I literally had 5 days off work.  For part of that time I was totally effing off with my food & then My Higher Self started talking to me.  She literally won't shut up until I get the message.  Of course it involved my eating & being healthy.  At this point, I am past my surgery and have no excuses to not follow through for me.  OKAY Higher Self-I hear you & I feel ya!!!!

Today is day 3 of strict Paleo (ok...i had like 10 peanut m&m's cuz my boss dropped them on my desk - literally).  I've been a bit fatigued, BUT I am feeling better :) :) :)  By now I should be beyond homicidal & killing everything that crosses my path (I am completely PMSn'g), but I am getting pretty even keel.  Still fighting with my acid reflux, but I believe it takes time to heal....

I am so digging this chick's website.  She is soooooooooooooo my Paleo speed.  She actually has exchanged emails with me & can I say that SUPPORT makes ME HAPPY!!!  Someone I've never even met is there for questions.  Feeling lots of gooey warm love.  So my starting weight is 163 & I don't plan on weighing myself until three weeks from September 3rd which is....the 24th?  I'm not good at math.  Let's nail me down for the 24th shall we?  At least be down a pant/dress size.

Not just stalking the interwebs, but also reading these two books.  I finished this one a couple of days ago.  Rereading this one right now I am becoming very insular & cocooning myself.  At first I thought I'd get in trouble for that, but thinking about it why shouldn't I?  I have every right to want to be healthy & focus on me only to emerge that amazingly healthy beautiful butterfly.  As a matter of fact, something I've been kicking around & will probably never do is quit my job to stay home & just cook all these yummy Paleo recipes I've come across lately.  Ok, checking in & now I am out!!!



PS-If you haven't had young Thai coconut water, you are missing out!!!  Delish!!!!

The Tex Files: No news is good news

My icebox is on the fritz and I am waiting for my landlord to replace old yeller. So grocery shopping has been a challenge. I am getting creative and have a game of it. It's fun going to the store to see what I can eat that is good for me, not chock full of preservatives, is on my eating plan and doesn't require the chiller drawer.

I got a new pair of walking shoes, my FitFlex is coming soon and after a visit to the doctor I will know what I can and cannot blend in my Nutribullet! Whoo to the fitness hoo!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

AJ: Diagnosis Acid Reflux

I made it to my dr. & HOORAY!  I have a diagnosis...acid reflux, just as I suspected.  The thing I love about my dr. is that she is an M.D. that also practices naturopathic remedies.  So she gave me an enzyme to use before I eat & then probiotics to get the good flora back into my gut.

Interestingly enough, she said I was the second patient she had within the past two weeks who had oral surgery & then got acid reflux.  Food-wise, she told me that I can't eat raw foods (which I am fine with right now because I don't really like salad anyway).  I asked her if I could juice & she said 'YES! because it takes out all the rough stuff.'  Basically my stomach can't handle heavy meals & roughage so I have to be very delicate with my food for now.  She also said it will be a gradual healing process.  If I'm not better in a month, then call her.  BUT-I am SO HAPPY to have an answer.  I don't feel like I am suffering alone anymore inside my head----->I'm not crazy afterall :).  Wit woo!!!!  Happy Dance!!!!

That is all for now!  PEACE!


Monday, August 26, 2013

The Tex Files: Overcoming the Mind Fuck

There is a saying in coaching circles, "As you help others you help yourself." Last week I was chatting with a friend when I said, "You just really need to get over the mind fuck that you are not worthy of the super sassy sexy body you desire and the life that goes with it."

Mind. Blown.

Right now I am getting over my own mind fuck. I am getting over making poor choices and deciding that I am worthy of making better choices. More than that I am embracing the fact that I can move safely within this world and no longer need the buffer of blubber around my body.

Getting it together,

Dj Meli Mel: Checking In

So, I haven't checked in for a while so I want to give an update. I'm doing really good. I actually look forward to my morning workouts now. I can't wait to see my total calories burned when I finish. My weight kind of dropped last week. It had been hovering and just like the bottom fell out, my weight dropped. That in itself has been enough motivation for me to keep going.

Now don't think this is easy! I'm doing my best with food. Weekends are still kind of a train wreck but I can see small improvements. I did a little better this past weekend but I'm still far from perfect. Small changes add up to big changes. My goal is to just keep getting better each week!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Asian Jamaican: Embarrassment

Today is the first time I've skipped a family function because I am embarrassed that my no no bad fat isn't gone from my body.  My cousin had a baby & the Bris was today.  I didn't want to go & have to hide under clothes & pretend to be okay with being there while I am self conscious.  Now I KNOW I could be way worse off in terms of body shape & how far I have to go, but I just couldn't do it today.  After being nauseated for the past two weeks & not being able to get my groove on with food the way I want to, I just couldn't be social.

I finally started back at yoga - which I really like.  I just like the way it makes me feel.  I sometimes get a wee bit jealous when I see/hear someone talk about how they got their hardcore workout on, but I have to remember that Yoga is where my body is right now.  I'm okay with that.  I'm okay with it because I can feel everything on my body get tight.  It's exciting & something to look forward to!

Again, food has been a bit fail & all over the place.  I can eat & be okay for a little while & then feel sick again.  I had to go through and reread people's journeys on Paleo and how they had flu like symptoms up until 2.5-3 weeks.  I've been through this, but I literally become non-functional when I go into fat burning mode.  The only thing that makes me feel good is the bad stuff, but I am doing that in moderation mixed in with the good.  I Really hope the universe is swinging my way.  I am usually a really good manifester, but I am feeling a little lopsided. 

Talk to ya soon.